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Good girls are so 2000 and late (Tour into Rachel Jackson's mind).

Have you ever had a heroine you hated so much you wanted to jump in the story to slam her head with a hammer? Or maybe you had one you love to hate? If not, let me introduce you to Rachel Jackson, the heroine you want to kill but also want to see finally happy. She's the girl with a sharp tongue and readied knife. Don't worry she won't kill you, she reserves that privilege for herself.

"To live or not to live. That’s the motto I live by on a daily basis. The average human being spends every second of his day fighting against the force of nature to see another day. But I’m different. I’m not afraid of outside forces to take my life away – only myself."

Yet, she's not one to let her weakness take the best of her.

"You know that shy nerdy girl who sits at the back of the class, fading in the background with no friends, and running home every day with a tear-stained face because some bully humiliated her in the middle of the cafeteria while everyone watched. Well, that’s not me. I’m the one who usually do the bullying."

She has an unique way of seen history and how the universe works.

"Despite what everyone thinks, hatred is what makes the world goes round not love. Just look at Hitler, he changed the world with his hatred so did Abraham Lincoln. He didn’t free the slaves out of love, he simply hated the Confederates so he did something to piss them off and win the war."

She 's confident, beautiful, and knows it but she doesn't let it go to her head.

"If they only know what demons that beautiful and confident exterior comes with, they would banish me to the deepest part of hell and throw away the key."

Do you hate couples that practically emit happiness as they walk by while you mourn over everything that is wrong in your life? If yes, Rachel will be your best pal. She sports the same feeling towards happiness.

"Ughh, it always make me want to vomit every times I see someone that happy. What’s so good about life for someone to be so jubilant about it?"

She really really really hates happiness.

"Happiness is overrated"

And if you happen to be one of those happy people then too bad this is offending you. Nobody got time for that.

"How can I spend my life feeling guilty for other people when I already have so much of that for my own self?"

If she hurts, everybody has to be hurting. That's just a simple task we're demanding from you.

"No matter how psycho I know it sounds like, it still brings me a great deal of ecstasy to know others are suffering along with me. Even if I have to inflict that pain personally, I will not bear it alone."

And no, she's not actually a psychopath nor a sociopath. She wasn't born like this, she was made into this.

"I remember when I used to be like that – without a care in the world. But all that got smashed and now I’m left with a heavy heart and a bunch of bitter voices."

Although, she does enjoy the thrill her life comes with,

"It’s always fun to mess with people."

And loves to share.

"I look at the shoes I just bought. I already have the exactly same ones in my closet collecting dust. It’s not my taste at all but the joy she exhibited for them made me want them. I know they aren’t going to fill the void I want them to fill but I bought them anyway. If they can’t make me happy, they can’t make anyone happy. At least she and I are both miserable now."

So come on for the ride of a lifetime, get to know how badly childhood can mess someone up for the rest of their life. Love or hate her, it doesn't matter. As long as someone knows her story, as long as her story can help prevent more kids to become like her.

Take a tour in Rachel Jackson mind in the book, Behind every mean girl...There's a tragedy.

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